Pacific caucus global statement

Pacific caucus global statement

Water-Salt Water

The life, culture and health of the Pacific Region is tied to our lands and waters. As custodians of traditional territories possessed by the Pacific Nations, Indigenous Peoples must have the right to say “no” to activities that negatively impact on our sovereignty, and use of lands and water environments. Free, prior and informed consent that is determined by our own mechanisms of governance must become the accepted practice.

The life of our land is fatally affected in Tuvalu, Marshall Islands, Torres Strait Islands and many other low lying islands within the Pacific, where they are facing high tide surges as a result of global warming. The preservation of several Sovereign Nations lost to sea water inundation must be remedied to the satisfaction of their own national interests.

The continuing affect of military colonial occupations such as that of Hawaii, Malukus, Tahiti, Rapa Nui prevent the exercising of accepted indigenous rights.

As a result the preservation of environments from the destructive effects of unsustainable uranium mining, nuclear testing and exporting toxic waste to our lands, as well as commercial over-fishing of our waters can not be checked.

Ground water contamination as a result of these unsafe practices degrade the health of our peoples and force us to abandon our sacred lands. We the Indigenous Peoples assert our rights to maintain, control, protect and develop our lands, waters and seas, maximising our absolute right to access and use these resources.

About aupuni

We are the Kingdom of Hawai'i. Working to bring government services to Hawaiian nationals.
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